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My name is 0L!V!A and I like bright colours.
I'm 15 and I'm a chillaxer. grr. The purpose of this site is to share my feelings, my life, my art, my memories, and everyday moments with you.
Free Cute Access Hit Counterアクセスカウンター �Ō�t ���l �]�E 会社設立

My Hubby Jang Geun Seuk

My Summer Fling Jung Yong Hwa
My First Love Kwon Ji Yong

OWNER:o l i v i a
CONTACT: email me :]




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Shards of Memories

Zhao Shen




Lost Shadows

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February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010

. LAYOUT BY:dorkistic design
. TEXTURE: Missesglass
. HOST:blogger

You're A Jerk ;]
DATE:Monday, March 29, 2010
TIME:{6:31 PM}

Eclipse! Almost done with it! I'm so happy! I am ready to move onto Breaking Dawn! Yeah BABY! ok, so! this is going to take me a while to write. ok, I'm back! haha. I've been so drained today. I woke up so early. School starts at 7:15 and usually I don't leave the house til like...7:10, I've been getting yelled at about that lately so I've been getting up early but still going to sleep late, I know, you're probably like "then go to sleep earlier" I know! but it's not that easy since I procrastinate on doing a lot of things and then I tend to read at night. As you can read I have been taking FOREVER to finish Eclipse. But luckily I can with happiness, I am almost done! I am so so excited.

I don't know about you but I hate my geometry teacher! I do not like her for anythingg!~~But luckily I have Eclipse to cheer me up during class (Yes, I read through lectures). Along with saying that! I, today felt as though I didn't want to play or in other words participate in gym, come to find out, uhm, my original gym teacher is backk. Sad? Of course because I did like the temporary replacement gym teacher. But it's ok because we don't have to work out soo much! I am so glad about that. We're going to be starting a new game tomorrow, a "manditory" dress day.

I have redone my playlist on my MP3, yes my MP3 because well, I don't like my ipod that I have. It's to big and I just want something convenient. Something I can just shove in and out of my pockets. Not something I have to constantly beat and struggle to put in and out of my pocket. Remember that I'm with my MP3 player 15 hours of the day. So! I'm always with my MP3 and it's a hassle if there's not enough space for it. It's sad for me when I can't take it with me. I'd rather have my MP3 than a cell phone. Ok maybe not all the way with that but you know.

I redid my playlist with all my loves from youtube. I LOVEE them all! I added Beyonce, Jason Mraz, and uhm...some other people to, oh! Justin Bieber. If you aren't a Twilight saga fan or you're a hater you might wanna skip to not reading the rest. I don't take anti-bullshizz

So today at school we (Wendy && I) had a Twilight argument. She said Robert Pattinson was ugly! I love you Wendy but if I didn't I'd totally LAPUSH you off a cliff ;] but anyway, yes. Crap, my computer crashed. Luckily it auto-saved ;] but anyway.

How can you say that someone that handsome is ugly!?? I thought, like 10 minutes ago that Taylor Lautner wasn't all that but I take that back, Taylor Launter is quite the hotness. LoL. But hey if you think other wise look at this.
 Look at that! He's look gorgeous! SOO DAYUUMM FINEE! ohkay, I quit. I like Timothy ;] hahaha I have to hurry! My favorite show comes on in like 40 minutes. Castle. :] it's my favvveeeooorriiteee!
Check it out when you can, it freakin awesome and sadly enough to say I like this pair better than my Law & Order: SVU pair. So it goes to say that I love CASTLE && BEKETT!

Love,peace,skeet,&&cheese all,

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Birthday Bash bby!
DATE:Saturday, March 27, 2010
TIME:{12:25 PM}

Was at the mall Thursday night lol. I was there almost all day, well my all day is after school but You know! We went to see 'Alice in Wonderland' and had to leave early but that's ok, we went to the 5:45 show and it was kinda a long movie. I'm sad we didn't get to finish it. We'd seen it in 3D! We were the only teens and the only ones talking hahaha. So there were 5 of us, I didn't get a picture of the other girl that came with us. I took that picture while we were waiting. I should have taken more. Oh well, there's always a next time and a next time after that. Right! So, I got a cupcake that day from my buddies, their so sweet, they surprised me while I was waiting, I was wondering why they were taking so long. Hahaha I think it's sweet that they did that just for me.

See! it's so pretty! It's was delicious and fantabulous! ^ that right up above haha. It was so pretty and now...now it's in my belly. But! hahaha it was good. Yummayy. Ughr, what else. So I don't remember if I told you guys about my Sears trip with my mom and two of my sisters. If I didn't then I am now. So, we went to Sears to buy a new Washer && Dryer. 'LG'. Is the one we bought. After walking around and around and around and around in circles. Trust me, that was SO not fun. I was so beat afterward, my sister bought a PS3. We'd gone everywhere! So yesterday night, I was playing Mortal Combat vs. DC with her. Or should I say Against her. Hahaha. She was loosing every game, I told her to train herself before she wanted to loose to me again. She got mad after I beat her and she threw the game controller on her bed and it bounced back up and hit her on the head hahaha. I just laughed soo hard. Today is going to be the rematch day hahaha.

I feel like spazzing over Timothy right now. If you notice, my buttons feature him! my favorite is the first and last one ;] and if you by now don't know who Tim is, that is ok! It's fine! so let me proceed to showing you who he is

He's a hottie! I know! lol His shirt says 'Rosco's house of chicken and waffles' lol it's so funny but his style is soo hot. ok. I think I should stop now :] hahaha. lol. If I don't then I'll go on and on forever~~ He's soo cute! I found some new songs of his today and I'm like, all over it, my sister was laughing at his song 'First Asian Boy' haha the part where the girl says she wants some 'FO' but he corrects her and tells her that its pronounced 'Pho', I think it's a cute song, check it out when you can, If you scan through my playlist there are a few of his songs in there.

Love, Peace, Skeet, && Cheese all

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15 and Loving- I still feel the same ;/
DATE:Wednesday, March 24, 2010
TIME:{12:54 PM}

Today's my 15th birthday! and yet, I feel the same. I don't think age really matters to me. Sometimes I even forget how old I am. Yes I do forget, age isn't really a big thing for me. Anyway, so far I haven't done anything except read, sleep, and eat and as far as sleeping goes, I'm still tired. T-T...I'm full and mommy hasn't gone to get my cake yet. I want a Strawberry Chocolate Ice Cream cake :] Yummy ;]

I had plans to go to the mall today with some friends but we had to reschedule for tomorrow. We're probably just gona chill at the mall and shop. I was up at 5 this morning, I look pretty today if i may say myself. I haven't taken any pictures but I will soon and upload them. I need new Default Pictures anyway. I'm all over Timothy Delaghetto ;] he's like my number 1 artist right now.

Ok, it's taken me like two hours to write this. Why!? well, kinda because I keep watching Dear Delaghetto. Hahaha. If you're wondering, 'Delaghetto' isn't his actual last name. && it's pronounced 'Day-lah-get-ho' get now? lol he's like the best! He's cute and Hilarious!!! oh my gosh! I shouldn't be saying it like this, he's gota girlfriend. But! I'm available Tim! ha-ha I'm just kidding. lol Oh-Kay! I'm going to stop talking about Timothy now, he's super duper cute! ok I'm done. Seriously ;]

Rejection sucks for two seconds - Timothy Delaghetto! OH-KAY! I'm done :]

I need more readers T-T...ehh...what to do what to do? lol I'm gona go recruit more readers ;]


Aging Queen :/
DATE:Tuesday, March 23, 2010
TIME:{10:25 AM}

My 15th birthday is tomorrow! I can't wait! && we have a half-of-day tomorrow too! lol I feel so very mature already! Lately I've been reading Eclipse! Yes, the book from the Twilight series. I'm not going to read Twilight or New Moon since I've already seen the movies. Speaking of the movies, I've gotta tell you about the New Moon movie but I'll save that for later. Any who, I'm reading Eclipse and it's AWESOME~~~ I'm just upset at the fact that the damn girl can't make up her mind and Jacob is constantly on her tail. OMG Edward is a living romance movie lol. But about the New Moon movie. My sisters waited til midnight to go to Wal-Mart and buy the damn thing, my sister bought a new PS3 just for the Blue-Ray-ness of it. That same day I had the Harry Potter marathon was the night we'd watched New Moon and mind the fact that I was up at 8am that morning. So while I was watching that movie I was slowly trailing off and I was try to have it so that you know I shut my eyes open them and I'd be a bit replenished. Nope, that wasn't the case, I was so tired I ended up falling asleep on her. lol && lately I've been really into Timothy Delaghetto (<- click-able) but yes, I've been so into him lately, he's soo cute! But anyway haha, yeah, he's a cutie from LB Cali. I love the cover of 'Nothing on you' he did with JRAquino. Checkk that out folks.

Well since I didn't go to school today I think I'll go and do the online assignment that I can do. :] smile guys and have a wonderfully beautiful day!

OH! before you go make sure to visit this site if you need any kinds of graphics!

Or if you feel like reading another blog (don't leave me though)
 visit Zhao Shen's blog!


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Harry Potter Marathon!
DATE:Saturday, March 20, 2010
TIME:{4:33 PM}

Theres a Harry Potter marathon going on today, the last movie is playing, the one I've been waiting for. Harry Potter The Goblet of Fire. Robbert Pattinson! whoohoo! Well, the first 4 minutes have started, I've been watching since 9 am this morning! LOL :] See you guys later, I'm gona go watch the rest of this movie :] OH! I just remembered that todya is the first day of spring! and it's cold outside...ehh....

by the way! added my very first affiliate :]
Bubbleteafanfiction :]


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Before I hit the sheets
DATE:Thursday, March 18, 2010
TIME:{7:26 PM}

It's 10:26 and I'm tired so I'm gona blog before I go to bed. Oh yeah, so photoshop cs4, yeah that didn't work out to well so I deleted it and downloaded another. LOL I look like I have a disease on my wrists. I was playing volleyball by myself haha and since I'm a bit rusty my arms are bruised. But! Til tomorrow, I have to use the bathroom now.


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Volleyball and a UTI!? say whatt!!??
DATE:Wednesday, March 17, 2010
TIME:{3:00 PM}

My very first actual post! haha. Nothing that is new besides the fact that I am turning 15 in a week! my computer has been acting really dumb and I have to re-download photoshop cs4, AGAIN. I think I'm just going to download it from adobe. It's a $700 dollar program people! anyway, it's really crazy because the thing is all over youtube!

So I've been having the time of my life. I got a UTI the other day. Friday as I remember. UTI's are not fun. You're probably like wtf is a UTI? well, it's a urinary trac infection meaning it's hurts for me to use the bathroom because there's bacteria there. I don't know how it got there but it hurts. I've had it for almost a week. Trust me, it isn't fun. My mom has me on a cranberry juice only diet. The one drink I hate I'm drinking everyday. It's mad crazy. I just started taking pills today. Hopefully I'll be fine soon.

Today in school we started volleyball in gym. I loooveeeddd that, except for the fact that the people that I'm playing with, yeah, they suckk!! omg, you just don't knoww~~ I played volleyball for a year so I know the ropes and ties but these people! They hit the ball with their palms! You are supposed to let it bounce off of your wrists and aim it in the air. *sigh* what they don't understand T-T especially when you tell them how to hit the ball and they continuously do it! That tiks me off. I guess it's ok though, I wrote a note and forged my mom's siggy so that I wouldn't have to exercise for the rest of the week, our exercises are not fun. Running 4 laps wall to wall in the gym is no joke! our gym is pretty large! 30 jumping jacks, stretching, 25 crunches, mountain climbing and push ups are the worst! So as of now I think I'll enjoy sitting out of the exercising.

Well I guess to conclude this passage I think I'll just say I'll let you know if the photoshop works or not :]


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