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My name is 0L!V!A and I like bright colours.
I'm 15 and I'm a chillaxer. grr. The purpose of this site is to share my feelings, my life, my art, my memories, and everyday moments with you.
Free Cute Access Hit Counterアクセスカウンター �Ō�t ���l �]�E 会社設立

My Hubby Jang Geun Seuk

My Summer Fling Jung Yong Hwa
My First Love Kwon Ji Yong

OWNER:o l i v i a
CONTACT: email me :]




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Shards of Memories

Zhao Shen




Lost Shadows

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February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010

. LAYOUT BY:dorkistic design
. TEXTURE: Missesglass
. HOST:blogger

One of those days
DATE:Saturday, July 3, 2010
TIME:{6:30 PM}

Geez, I'm so freakin hot and tired. It's been a long week. Life is getting harder and harder every day. i was at school all week and I'm tired. Extremely tired. I just sat here and listened to the drake album 3 times :] it's awesome oh and young bae's solar album. I like it! i learned a few new hair tutorials and makeup tutorials. So before I really get started, for all my Americans; Happy J4! be safe and have fun! I'm hanging at my aunt's tomorrow and on Monday I'm packing up again and leaving at 5 noon. I'm going to get KRUNK this weekend lol I'm kidding. On Wednesday I'm going to the Tiger's game at the stadium. Whoo! I'm excited for that! Anywho, I'll be sure to take buncha pictures to share okay! Today I msn'd one of my girls and it was the best, I haven't talked to her in like, forever! So I needed it, definitely. I'm currently going through the process of trying to not fall into the process of setting myself up to get hurt because of some guy.

School has been hard on me. This is my schedule
4:50-5:00; wake up
5:10-5:15; shower
5:15-5:25; get dressed
5:25-5:30; brush teeth
5:40-6:00; makeup & hair
6:10; sign out & leave
6:15-7:20; breakfast
7:20-8:00; morning assembly
8:00-3:40; class
3:40-3:50; free time
4:00-5:20; extra curricular activites
5:30-6:00; dinner
6:00-7:20; intermurals
7:30-8:00; free time
8:00-9:30; study time
9:30-10:30; free time
10:30-11:00; in my room
11:00; lights out
and then the schedule starts ALL over again. sheesh. I'm tired.
it's sucha long schedule. ahh, listen to Drake's "Thank me Later" album and Taeyang's "Solar" and get at me.
o-daddy ;] (nickname)

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Happy Birthday Yong Hwa Oppa
DATE:Tuesday, June 22, 2010
TIME:{4:19 PM}

Picture of The Day

Aish, I have so much to do and so little time to do it. I have 11 tasks I need to tend to, I have to add shopping, packing, and trying to figure out how I'm taking posters with and which posters I'm going to take with me. Gosh, I'm going to take my Big Bang posters with me this summer so I can cheer myself up somehow.

If you are wondering why I'm so "stressed" now, well, it's because I'm going back to school Monday. Sheesh. I don't want to go but then I do but then I don't but then... you get the picture. My husband Geun Suk is going to continue to promote A.N Jell and You're Beautiful. As of what's new with him, haha you'll have to wait and see! 

Anywhom, I'm going to tell you a really quick and short story.
22 years ago, a beautiful baby boy was born in Yeoksam-dong South Korea
on this day, June 22nd. After so many years of being in love with
music, he made his way to debuting as the leader, rapper, and singer
in the group C.N Blue (Code Name Blue) being the great person
he is, he also starred in You're Beautiful beside my husband Jang Geun Suk.
Who must that beautiful baby boy that was born 22 years ago be?
He goes by the name of Jung Yong Hwa,
so today is going to be named the Official Jung Yong Hwa day in jang olivia utopia.
saengil chukha hamnida (생일축하합니다) Yong Hwa oppa, may you have
the best and most special birthday, this being your first birthday as 
Leader Of C.N. Blue. Please continue to be the wonderful person you already are.
Happy Birthday one last time.

So now that we have that done and over with, I'm going to conclude this post with,
I posted up a prologue to my story Celest, It'd be great if you read it! You can leave any messages and or comments in the C-Box, just click on Seung Ri up there ;] ( thank you Seungri oppa!) anywho, here's the link

Happy Readings!,
jang olivia

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Celest - Our Shining Star
TIME:{3:41 PM}






The fans' screams were paralyzing, the wonderful noise of final success, the great feeling we all got. Celestial was finally getting bigger and our Stars were the reason
"Thank You Stars! Celest thanks you from the bottom of our hearts! Thank You so much" I said before taking a bow. Our fifth concert. The feeling that was so great was being obtained from all these screaming girls.
"Jang Geun Suk, Dong Tae Yang, Jung Yong Hwa, Choi Seung Hyun, C-E-L-E-S-T! Starr!!!" the fans chanted. As we entered backstage into our dressing room, Tae Yang flopped onto the couch, Seung Hyun sat down beside him, Yong Hwa sat in his dressing room chair and I sat in front of the mirror next to Yong Hwa
"Whaaa~, do you hear that? They're still going at it" Tae Yang smiled. His eyes growing smaller.
"You Guys did-" President Jang walked in and stopped as soon as he seen the room
"Aish, you could at least help keep up around here" he said throwing trash into the bin. Seung Hyun laughed
"President Jang, what were you going to say?" Seung Hyun scoot his self over, forcing Tae Yang into a sitting position.
"You guys did great and I think as a gift I'm going to get you a maid or a care taker" President Jang still throwing trash into the bin looked at me
"You're the cleanest one, why does the dressing room always look like this after performances?" he asked me. I shrugged
"We're too tired to clean and besides, we're the stars here" I replied shutting my eyes and throwing my head back, President Jang scoffed
"Well, she's a certain gift" he mumbled to himself.

The next night after our performance on Inkigayo, I walked into a spotless dressing room. My lips pursed and I walked in suspicious. President Jang was in here all 5 minutes cleaning? nooo, he couldn't ha-

"Hello" a girl bowed in front of me. I stared at her as the other three members came in walking into one another which lead to walking into me. All of us lined up stared at her
"Hi, I'm Celest but you can call me Tae Sun, I'll be your caretaker" she smiled
"Celest? is this some kind of joke?" I asked crossing my arms
"No, my name is actually Celest" she replied
"Huh, it's like she was sent from heaven or something, like she was meant to clean for us" Seung Hyun laughed
"Hi, I'm Tae Yang" he shoved his hand out from behind me
"Hi" she replied. Everyone did introductions. Everyone but me. Who said we needed a caretaker? What are we 60?
Who knew cleaning could actually help you fall in love?

hope you liked it!

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